Never Stop Believing in YOU
Two years ago I went for a bike ride along the banks of the Connecticut river. It is amazing what the beautiful scenery does for your mind (or at least mine). I remember at this point I wanted to achieve more success. I was disappointed things were not happening fast enough. I wasn’t really sure what the definition of that success meant and I can honestly say I still don’t, but I wanted it. The lesson I learned since that bike ride was I needed more patience. I needed to focus on me and not on the “competition” that was surrounding me. I needed to improve on what I could control and let go of those things I couldn’t. Most importantly I needed to reflect on what I wanted and begin to define it. I needed to believe…I needed to believe in myself.
Please share or tag someone that will benefit today from reading this. I know I needed the reminder.
#alwaysbelieve #peaceofmind #reflection #success#now